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Your Tongue As The Muse Of Your Voice

By Dominique Oyston

The words that you speak give you positive or negative power in the world. In ancient times, they were recognised as pure magic.

The ability or speak is enabled by the tongue, which was known as an instrument of magic, love, destruction and connection to the divine. The most famous magic phrase – abracadabra – translates as ‘I create what I speak’.

Your tongue is the muse of your voice. By training the tongue and unleashing its power, you can fully embrace the divine power in every word that you speak.

The power of the tongue

Your tongue is highly sensory. A tongue can kiss, salivate, shape language, protect the lungs, and taste the bitterness and sweetness of life.

Your tongue can push, control, stretch, manoeuvre, withhold or release. With the tongue, pleasure can be given and received.

By using your tongue, you are able to speak in other languages, and intimately understand the motivations of other humans around you. You can choose to give mercy or destroy.

The tongue speaks the highest and lowest of truths – in fact, much of the experience of life is determined by your tongue.

How wonderful!

From the mouths of babes

Babies and children naturally play with sound and song. They explore speech by learning to use their tongue with vowels and simple consonants. You have probably heard a baby experimenting with sounds such as mamama, dadada and yayaya.

As they grow, children learn to speak through early interactions with others. Speech can embed itself into the young growing brain – but if this window of opportunity is missed, their speech skills may be lacking.

Using the physical tongue

Your tongue is controlled by your mind. It automatically responds muscularly to what your mind instructs it to say or sing.

The tongue represents the emotional flow of the voice and directs the ease of your resonance and articulation.

However, the tongue will not work properly when force is involved. Relaxing the tongue and jaw together allows your tongue to move to its natural place – the bottom of the mouth, with the tip settled at the roots of the lower or upper teeth.

In speaking or singing, a tongue that sits backwards in the mouth can muffle your sound. If you relax the back of the tongue very slightly forward, it is easier to relax and open your throat. This can also help your throat to contract and tighten less when you feel emotional.

Consonants and vowels

Generally, your consonants create the structure and definition for your sounds. The vowels deliver emotional tone and volume. They carry the feeling ‘information energy’ of speech, whereas consonants act to break up that energy flow.

In many ancient languages, including Sanskrit, Hebrew and Chinese, vowel sounds are considered sacred. They convey your essence and intention while consonants focus what you are communicating.

The Austrian philosopher, Rudolf Steiner, suggested that vowels live in the soul element of the human being. They help to push the soul forces towards the physical body.

Vowels help you to feel connected to universal consciousness. They carry your tone and lift your spirit to focus on the beauty in your tone. Beauty is always part of your soul! Your tone has a spiritual reality and great spiritual power.

The divine feminine and the tongue

From the earliest times, the feminine has been the guide of the power of your tongue. Art began as the worship of the divine, the Goddess. From her chants would emerge melodies, notes, rhythms and complex patterns.

The more aware we become of the tongue as the governor of feeling, the more we embrace and understand the power of the divine feminine.

Your tongue expresses the magical art of the divine feminine at work in the physical and liminal spheres.

Training the muse of your voice

When you relax your tongue and relish what you say, your words can become a place of beauty and sanctuary.

Reclaim this!

Practice letting your tongue dance, relish and express when you speak and sing.

Try these two exercises as a way to begin rebirthing the feminine power of expression in your tongue.

Exercise 1

Start with the tongue lying flat in the bed of the mouth. Stretch the tongue forward over the bottom lip and pant like a dog.

Then, gently release the tongue back to rest in the bottom of the mouth. Notice the relaxed position.

Using the word 'hello,' very slowly speak the word, noticing the relaxed position of the tongue on the first part of the word, 'heh.'

Speak just the 'heh' three times, while keeping a nice, relaxed feeling in the tongue. The tongue will draw up to touch the roof of the mouth to form the 'l' and then drop down to form the 'o.' The voice should stay light and lyrical or slightly musical while you do this.

Get in the habit of teaching your tongue to feel relaxed when speaking all vowels.

Exercise 2

Say “loo, lay, laah’, using the tongue in the same way. Allow the breath to gradually elongate until you are singing/sounding.

When you are toning the vowel part, return the tongue to the bottom of the mouth and just let it sit there doing nothing while the tones flow over it. It helps if your jaw opens more to do this.

Once you get used to this, you can play with pitch and volume. When you begin, be gentle on the voice but ensure that you are seeking tone.

These two exercises are not only useful as physical and emotional clearing exercises. They are also great for raising your conscious awareness of this part of your speech mechanism.

Consistency is the key to success with the voice. Exercises do not need to be complex. Simple is best to build the voice.

Enjoy experiencing your tongue as the Muse of your voice.

If you would like to learn more about the magic of your voice and feminine expression you can join my fb group here:

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