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Mystical Lake

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed because there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you need and want to do?


And is there pressure on you to accomplish even more, in spite of all the limitations on your time, your money, your relationships and your health?

Most importantly, do you sense that those limitations prevent you from being able to succeed at the highest level in your life, and from having the profound impact on others and on the world you believe you could have if you were truly given a chance?


You may have even noticed some of your peers giving up because of those challenges—compromising their dreams and no longer attempting to “play bigger” in their lives, but you don’t want it.


In spite of the challenges you’re faced with on a daily basis, you still try to live the best life you can

Maybe you try to…

  • Schedule your days so you can get everything done you need to and still have time to do the the creative things you love

  • Get better, more fulfilling jobs, and put some money aside

  • Find friends who share your values and goals, and who are mutually supportive and caring

  • Focus on taking care of yourself and staying healthy

  • Find new ways to help those you love and others who are in need

And while you may have had some success in all of these areas, substantial progress has probably been slow in coming, and inconsistent, and it may even sometimes feel like you’re not getting any closer to your highest goals for your life.

If any of that resonates with you, it’s important for you to understand that it’s not because of anything you’re doing wrong that things aren’t moving forward as fast as you’d like them to…

It’s because there are things you don’t yet fully understand about how the Universe works.

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed because there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you need and want to do?


And is there pressure on you to accomplish even more, in spite of all the limitations on your time, your money, your relationships and your health?

Most importantly, do you sense that those limitations prevent you from being able to succeed at the highest level in your life, and from having the profound impact on others and on the world you believe you could have if you were truly given a chance?


You may have even noticed some of your peers giving up because of those challenges—compromising their dreams and no longer attempting to “play bigger” in their lives, but you don’t want it.

Jean has discovered that there are 5 Quantum Powers that will allow you to become truly and fully alive, with access to the creative power of the Universe…

And once you’ve unlocked these Quantum Powers within yourself, and learned how to sustain their energy throughout your day, your experience of the world will immediately become profoundly more vivid, exciting and fulfilling in every way.

And from that moment forward, you will…

  • Have more clarity about exactly what to do and which direction to go to best achieve your goals

  • Be able to accomplish more in less time without experiencing the levels of overwhelm you do now

  • Begin to attract the right people and resources to help you make real progress on the projects that mean the most to you

  • Be able to tap into deeper sources of energy and experience a profound sense of wellbeing

  • No longer feel isolated, and be able to make a greater difference in the lives of those around you and in the world

  • And she’s not only reaped the benefits of that partnership in both her personal and professional life…but when she looks at what she’s been able to accomplish over the past 50 years, it already seems like enough to fill several lifetimes.

  • And she’s far from through!

  • Let Jean show you how to live a life of accomplishment and fulfillment you never even knew was possible…


Awaken heart, voice and presence and share the True Magnetic power of your Mission and Message

 Visibility Goddess

For spiritual women coaches, healers & Authors to increase their confidence and charisma, come out of hiding, and become magnetic to their clients and audiences.

Are you a woman who wants to take her message and service to the world?

Your mission - should you choose to accept it - is to experience a 7 week feminine power system to heal and open your voice and heart, and move towards the authority platform you were born for, so you can flow out with fierce confidence and beauty to touch the hearts of others.


In Heart Chakra Voice you heal three primary blocks for women:


Invisibility ("I'm not not seen and heard")

Not enough ("I can't have this or do this")

I'm alone ("It's too hard to do this alone- I'm exhausted")




Grow radiance, power and presence in a fraction of the time

Spontaneously magnetize with the 8 expressions of love

Speak up and speak out confidently with stunning results while living your hearts purpose

Be the ripple of love in the world you are born to be


Conquer the fears and doubts that hold you back with 5 goddesses, sound and a system for deep and lasting change.


The secrets to your life's purpose are hidden in your heart.

Raising the vibration of the heart sets the voice of your purpose free.


Get the EXACT process, templates, strategies, skills and sound healing that fast track connecting the Voice of your Heart to your body, spirit, emotions, mind, mission and soul to bring more love into your life.




In spite of the challenges you’re faced with on a daily basis, you still try to live the best life you can

Maybe you try to…

  • Schedule your days so you can get everything done you need to and still have time to do the the creative things you love

  • Get better, more fulfilling jobs, and put some money aside

  • Find friends who share your values and goals, and who are mutually supportive and caring

  • Focus on taking care of yourself and staying healthy

  • Find new ways to help those you love and others who are in need

And while you may have had some success in all of these areas, substantial progress has probably been slow in coming, and inconsistent, and it may even sometimes feel like you’re not getting any closer to your highest goals for your life.

If any of that resonates with you, it’s important for you to understand that it’s not because of anything you’re doing wrong that things aren’t moving forward as fast as you’d like them to…

It’s because there are things you don’t yet fully understand about how the Universe works.

This is for you if you wish to:

Inspire in your communication and serve at the highest level.

Accelerate the emergence of your gifts and purpose.

Access deeper levels of your intuition and healing ability.

Connect voice and heart to speak your truth with ease in daily life and to market your services.

Heal emotional blocks that keep you silent

Be more magnetic when you show up.

Get your purpose flowing

Learn magical goddess guidance and sound healing systems.


Discover which heart frequencies, qualities and elemental energies in your voice are your greatest power source.


Heal, learn professional speaking and toning skill sets, and set up your voice as a tool to catapult your visibility and purpose in a safe and loving way.

Here's what you'll discover in the goddess voice avademy's 7 week leading edge program

the Modules


Each Module enables you to understand the qualities and vibrational power of each Goddess as a 'Heart Footprint Frequency' and receive their "tone" to transform your heart.


Take the steps to connect your voice and your awareness to your deep nature, intuition, soul wisdom, and inner power source to speak up with balance and presence and leap into the full potential life that awaits you.

Module #1 hearing the voice of the heart

green tara: communicating with your heart

Your heart is a vibrational platform for your voice, your mission and message..

Green Tara will help you hear the voice of your heart in a completely new way.

Before reaching out in your business you must have clarity in your own heart. Because it is YOU,  your vibe that is being expressed in your business.

This weekly training alone will change your results forever.


module #2 connect your heart to your spirit

Eve: Ignite the tone of your spirit in your body

EVE: Raise your vibration and springboard into your bigger life!

Heal doubt and shame and write the new story of your destiny. In this module you set the Tone of Creation ringing in your body.  With Eve you can create anything you wish, ask

for anything you want and say what you need.

The story of Eve is the story every woman must heal within

her own being. Eve was a co-creator. She was the beginning. She was light and wisdom. She was the Source. As you are. Every woman is gifted.

Resurrect your True Nature, your Source and heal Self- Judgement. Flow with confidence, joy and personal power.

Feel the permission to be YOU, safeguard your boundaries

and build your business to be a strong container, a garden

of delight for your wants and needs.



module #3 Connect heart to body

Gaia: Foundation: Reset Your Inner Compass to Confidence and Support

GAIA: Physical confidence and self-love in action in everything you do and say!

Reconnect with your deep belonging to Mother Earth. Feel completely loved exactly as you are. Discover your true strengths. This is the Heart Footprint in action.

The tone of the heart supports you to move past fear, speak confidently, maintain your energy and ground your voice in a safe zone where you can attract your tribe who appreciate you and will happily spend their money with you.

The Heart Tone in the body will clear your nervous system to become a conduit for divine energy rather than your human based fears so you can embody your voice and access power and authority in your tone, range and presence


module #4 unlocking emotional beauty

Aphrodite: magnetic, Radiant, confident Connection:

Find the HARMONY flow, in your hearts connectivity that naturally switches on attractor energy.  This helps you become visible to the clients your soul needs.

The Heart Footprint of the Goddess of Love illuminates your radiant, feminine self—without

dimming down your power—so that your clients will

recognise you as the coach or healer that they are seeking

and be inspired by your light. 

If you want authenticity, and in balance with your energy.


A truly powerful voice has masculine and feminine

qualities.  Aphrodite's Code harmonises and balances these

so you are in balance with all elements of your self-identity.



module #5 Connect the heart to the mind

Arianrhod: Tune to your wisdom, intuition, & heroic identity

Arianrhod, the Introvert Celtic Goddess of the Silver Wheel, teacher of  wizards, heroes and leaders, guides you to clearly see the unique soul design of YOUR communication.

This Voice Code activates and aligns your voice with your purpose and natural gifts, set aside since ancient times for THIS LIFETIME.

Discover the pathway for your soul resources to become part of your conversations.

Unlock the inspiration factor in your communication.

Learn the INTROVERT KEY to motivating and inspiring others to greater heights and success.



Raise your Vibration: sound heal your heart


All ancient cultures used the voice to heal and change reality. 

Your voice has magic in it. This training will immerse you in learning to use it to heal, transform and manifest your destiny.

Discover its power again in YOU.

Your true self has a frequency and a vibration.

Chanting and toning raise your awareness of this signature vibration and help to heal energy blocks. 


Before the Goddess spoke, she sang. You have an innate ability to chant and tone…and sing if you are called. Every woman can use her voice this way. It is your birthright. Toning speaks so strongly to the Intuitive Introvert nature.


This Voice Code is governed by your inner artist. It empowers your ability to get visible and speak your truth. Sound is a super manifestor. It unlocks the bottle neck of repression of your voice so that there is a divine flow of energy between your inner heaven and your inner earth, and your higher and lower selves co-ordinate and work together. You can feel your intuition becoming streamlined and focused.

Raise your Vibration: sound heal your heart


All ancient cultures used the voice to heal and change reality. 

Your voice has magic in it. This training will immerse you in learning to use it to heal, transform and manifest your destiny.

Discover its power again in YOU.

Your true self has a frequency and a vibration.

Chanting and toning raise your awareness of this signature vibration and help to heal energy blocks. 

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Best Value

Destiny Voice

$1,397 AUD

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Most Flexible

Destiny Voice

4 x $217

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Terms and Conditions
If you have any additional question, please email us at and we'll be glad to assist you.

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My programs connect you to the soul signature wisdom encoded in your voice, your unique gifts for leadership, healing, personal empowerment, creativity, the steps to overcoming fear blocks, communication skills, embodying your essence and claiming your purpose.


I offer revolutionary breakthrough strategies that help women understand their voice as a pathway for transformation, self-discovery, success and financial abundance.


I'm an intuitive coach, song healer, voice expert and award winning professional international singer with a 25 year career on the world stage.

My coaching programs build the confidence and authenticity needed to empower your full potential or learn how to authentically serve and inspire from the stage.


I am a life-long student of yoga, dance, sound healing, mythic history, body-language, spiritual healing and Steiner teaching.  I was raised in the theatre and I am a mum to two boys.


                        I am in service to your divine voice.



module #3 Connect heart to body

Gaia: Foundation: Reset Your Inner Compass to Confidence and Support

GAIA: Physical confidence and self-love in action in everything you do and say!

Reconnect with your deep belonging to Mother Earth. Feel completely loved exactly as you are. Discover your true strengths. This is the Heart Footprint in action.

The tone of the heart supports you to move past fear, speak confidently, maintain your energy and ground your voice in a safe zone where you can attract your tribe who appreciate you and will happily spend their money with you.

The Heart Tone in the body will clear your nervous system to become a conduit for divine energy rather than your human based fears so you can embody your voice and access power and authority in your tone, range and presence


Live Calls

Power Performance Keys

Sound Healings

Group Toning & Speaking Practice

Confidence and Visibility Training 
Goddess Guidance Meditations 

PDF's & Workbooks

FB Lives

A Supportive FB Group for the Journey

The 'Love Miracle' adventure



Heal Old Invisibility Wounds


These Goddess Voice Codes will give you the power to release old pain and grief so that you can open up to giving and receiving love in all your communication.


Find your Service


You’ll learn how not to hoard your gifts but share your true service.

In return you experience the generosity of the universe and all beings as you speak your truth from your heart.

These Goddesses prepare your sacred service and your courage to come together, rerouting your intuitive intelligences to be magnified by the strongest magnetic field in your body.


Rewrite the Story of your Power


They give you the power to navigate the early stages of visibility as your core self and forge the bonds of lasting, lifelong, fulfilling clairvoyance and clear thinking.

You learn to have full access to your soul directives for the bigger picture of your life.


Share your Intuition, Imagination and Inspiration


You can unlock the memories of your ancient clairvoyant abilities and lineages.

The masculine and feminine polarities of your brain speak to one another to bring about union and clarity in your mind, so your imagination is unleashed.


Achieve Consistent Creative Flow


If you have ever been restricted in your creative endeavours, connecting your soul purpose, your foundation, your creativity, your confidence and your heart to your voice will unleash a torrent of creative power in your business.



8 Weeks of Transformational Training
begins January 2025

March 6th :            Green Tara - How to Hear the Heart

March13th :           Eve - Ignite the Tone of Spirit in the Body

March 20th :          Gaia - Action Steps & Embodiment

March 27th:           Aphrodite - Goddess of Love Vibration

April 3rd:                  Arianrhod - Clearing Thought Patterns

April 17th:              The Wheel of the Goddess Voice

April 24th:              Taking your Heart to the World

Weeks 1 - 7:            Healing the Heart with Sound         



1. Mondays AEDT 75 Minute Goddess Healing & Theme call

Mondays 10.30 am AEDT


2. Thursdays AEDT  Meditation, Toning & Q and A call

Thursdays 10 am AEDT

  • Powerfully speaking your truth

  • Connecting to your higher potential

  • Personal magnetism that attracts clients, friends, and peer respect

  • Enjoying more love in your life

  • Hearing the true voice of your purpose

  • Giving and receiving love in balance

  • Unlocking a natural flow of generosity and compassion so you become people's 'go to' person

  • Feeling connected to others and situations so you don't feel like so much of a loner

  • Encountering spontaneous 'love miracle' happenings

This is for you if you wish to:

When you invest in the Goddess Voice Academy's

Visibility Goddess

7-Week Transformational Program, you’ll receive…

  • 7 Weekly Live Online calls

  • Seven Training Session Audios with Dominique (Valued at $3,000)

  • 2 Live Heart Presence Online Workshops

  • Seven Downloadable Group Coaching Sessions with Dominique (Valued at $2,000)

  • PDF Transcripts of Training modules (Valued at $500)

  • Weekly Practice & Reflection Questions (Valued at $700)

  • The exclusive “Manifest Your Money Voice” Bonus Package of 5 Audio Workshops (Valued at $985)

  • Access to a private, online global community (priceless!)


TOTAL Value $7,185

Regular Price $1,397 AUD


Register Now for just:
$797 AUD
or 4 payments of $227 AUD

Step into the training Step into the Training Program that is the Culmination of Jean Houston’s Life’s Work & Gain Access to the Tools, Training & Support You Need to Unlock Your Quantum Powers, Live a Remarkable Life, & Make A Greater Difference in the World

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Receive healing and activation


"Dominique's voice is medicine for my soul" - Connie

"Your voice is like nectar from the Goddess" - Martha

"The toning and guided meditations make me feel super safe"- Tina

"I felt a gold light at my heart drawing up through my throat and turning into a rose at my mouth, like speaking flowers" Sarah

"I felt so resourced, with so much energy restored" Amy


Learn to Tone the heart


In the Heart Chakra Makeover Course you discover the fundamental Goddess skills of toning, chanting and affirmations (commands of the sacred word once called spells) and how to blend them.

These are life skills which can change your frequency and your confidence irrevocably.

You will be an enchantress of your life.


"I have been practicing toning throughout the last two days and I can feel the difference already - looking forward to doing more!" Annabel

"I feel so much joy and power" Bek

"Boom! This is great. So many things dropped in." Donna

Professional Client Experiences with the HeartResonance™ System
  • Expanded self-trust and self-acceptance

  • Landing the product/service which creates more income

  • Greater truth speaking

  • Inspiring their clients to do more of what they love in their life

  • Perfect clients appearing out of the blue

  • Seeing the value spot for clients in their services more clearly

  • Having negative defense walls come down after decades of hiding

  • Shifting core relationships

Woman Surfing

Building your voice is not always a quick fix. Singers, speakers and healers all have ongoing mentoring.


Connect with me EVERY month for themed coaching and Q&A sessions.

You get access to live monthly calls with me and our community ALL YEAR, to break through new voice blocks as they come up and make progress towards your next impact goal.

I'll teach you the main DFVC principles and help you work through your voice blocks in real time so you can keep growing. 

Plus I host two calls at different times so there's a slot that works for your time zone no matter where you are in the world. 

I've made this system work for me. I spent 20 years in a successful operatic career that saw me traveling the world singing for top companies and VIP's. I enjoyed high level success (and fun) but I also had a deep, unassailable inner longing to forge my own way as a healer and leader in the field of spiritual entrepreneurship, and create my own signature business.


I created the Divine Feminine Voice Method to heal, feel and finally know the deeper truth of who I was and what I was here to say.


Do YOU know deep inside that you need to be YOU - and be magical and riveting as yourself rather than fitting in? Do you sense your voice holds the key to your truth?


Your unique success awaits you.  I invite you to experience 9 key trainings and techniques to heal and open your voice and gifts, and move towards the authority platform you were born for, so you can flow out with fierce confidence and beauty to touch the hearts of others.


Bonus training

Manifest your Money Voice

Can the heart heal your money wounds?

Discover how to soothe your survival energy, create an authoritative sound, and safely talk about money.

Learn how the inner voices from the chakras are connected to your survival issues.
When we are holding on to our stuff, we’re not letting too much in and we’re not letting too much out. We’re staying safe.
In speaking and singing, we need to feel free, flexible, open and balanced to deliver a confident sound and communicate clearly when it counts


Set your money voice free.

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 Heart Visibility Goddess

$657 AUD

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Heart Chakra

4 x $167


What you'll struggle with if your voice is not Heart connected.

  • You'll long for your voice to be magical - perhaps to tone, chant, invoke, heal, find your soul song and wow your listeners

  • You'd rather spend the day in silence rather than market your products and services on fb lives

  • You'd rather talk to one person who gets you than to an invisible audience of 'do they even care'?

  • When you step up to the camera, your brain, your mouth and your body don't co-operate with a desired performance benchmark to get results

  • If you are not solidly connected with the deeper meaning of your topic you get jumbled and feel shallow and inadequate and end up backing away and feeling less than

  • You're not making enough money from your work

  • You fantasize about saying the right thing at the right time and being the 'one' with the answers

  • You ask yourself "How do I get my power out?"

  • ​


You have a unique blueprint for SUCCESS.

Heart communication tools make this EASIER to access.


 To Dominique Oyston and the Goddess Voice Academy, which is growing, blossoming, mushrooming into an amazing space of transformational power. It’s a wonderful, fun, dynamic group that’s going places, both individually and collectively. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

 It is so much more than I was expecting - and I get out of it so much more than I'd dared to hope. Dominique integrates many fields of knowledge in her voice work. Her teaching gifts shine in her live calls, and in her kind, encouraging and helpful feedback on the videos we posted in the Facebook group. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity, Dominique. I’m still very much a beginner, but already some things will never look (or sound) the same.

Alice Bulmer

Alice Bulmer Music


Teresa Fino

Vibrational Medicine Intuitive

To the divine goddess that is Dominique Oyston for her fabulous Goddess Voice Academy which she has lovingly crafted with passion and generosity of spirit. 


Her knowledge is truly deep and I am continually being WOW’ed and confronted each and every week. My voice has been released to be more visible and heard in the world, layer by layer, and it’s getting stronger by the day. I’m thrilled with the results.

I’m feeling a powerful energy rising up within me, propelling me forward, with a powerful voice to match it. 

A deep bow of gratitude to you Dominique for having the courage to heed the call to gather us for this vital work on the planet. 


Heidi Hosking

Awakened Parenting

To the wisest voice Goddess herself, Dominique Oyston!

I am only just getting started on her Goddess Voice Academy and already I am really just amazed at Dominique's wisdom and what I can learn from her (even when I had a gut feeling she'd be good..!).

I've been learning about the maiden voice and the mother voice within my business and so much ancient wisdom about the voice and femininity that is important for us all to know. It's far more than just speaking or singing.

And not to mention the toning which has been so great to have a reason to use my voice and for good reason.


I highly recommend joining the Goddess Voice Academy!!!

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Best Value

Destiny Voice

$1,397 AUD

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Most Flexible

Destiny Voice

4 x $217

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Terms and Conditions
If you have any additional question, please email us at and we'll be glad to assist you.

  • Powerfully speaking your truth

  • Connecting to your higher potential

  • Personal magnetism that attracts clients, friends, and peer respect

  • Enjoying more love in your life

  • Hearing the true voice of your purpose

  • Giving and receiving love in balance

  • Unlocking a natural flow of generosity and compassion so you become people's 'go to' person

  • Feeling connected to others and situations so you don't feel like so much of a loner

  • Encountering spontaneous 'love miracle' happenings


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this program for? (men, women, different ages, advanced or beginner?)
The course is designed to support people of all ages, phases, experiences and walks of life – it meets you wherever you are on your life’s journey, whether just starting off on this deeper path, or traveling on it for awhile (and everything in between!)
What kind of tangible results can I expect in 7 weeks?
At the end of your 7-week journey, Jean will send you off into the world as a deeply conscious co-creator with the Universe—a transformed human being infused with your higher potential. On the everyday, practical level, things will flow so much more smoothly in your life. You will notice subtle—and not so subtle!—shifts when you know how to expand time and attract the people and resources you need. You will be able to learn new skills faster, gain more energy, and so much more. This is where you will truly begin to shine and be on your way to becoming a truly magnificent human!
How many hours a week do I need to dedicate to the course?
Each week we recommend setting aside 80 minutes to listen to the Course Session, and 15 minutes to go through the Practice and Reflection Questions. Listening to the Group Coaching Sessions is a wonderful support to to integrate all you’ll be learning, but it is not necessary to get the full benefit of the course.
How long will I have access to the course?
You’ll have access to the training for the lifetime it’s available online! You can also download the materials to your personal computer or device so that you can keep them with you and deepen into your discoveries long after the program has ended.
Can you tell me more about the 14-Day Satisfaction Guarantee?
Within 14 days of your purchase, should you decide the course is not right for you, simply write into to request a form to initiate your refund.

  • Powerfully speaking your truth

  • Connecting to your higher potential

  • Personal magnetism that attracts clients, friends, and peer respect

  • Enjoying more love in your life

  • Hearing the true voice of your purpose

  • Giving and receiving love in balance

  • Unlocking a natural flow of generosity and compassion so you become people's 'go to' person

  • Feeling connected to others and situations so you don't feel like so much of a loner

  • Encountering spontaneous 'love miracle' happenings

Experiences with the Voice of Destiny
  • Hearing someone say I love you for the first time ever

  • Expanded self-trust and self-acceptance

  • Being wrapped in a lovers arms more deeply than ever before

  • Random people coming up with heartfelt compliments (when wearing super scruffy clothes, hat and hair)

  • Having negative defense walls come down after decades of hiding

  • Feeling more harmonious and having kinder and more curious conversations with children

Pregnancy Yoga

Embody 5 essential frequencies for you to be magnetically seen and heard and experience the HeartResonance miracles in your body, business, creative purpose, and personal relationships 

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