Igniting your Inner Heroine with JOAN OF ARC
Unlocking your heroic voice
the sacred light of your inner voice
Root Chakra Goddess Voice: Birthing your Power with MARY MAGDALENE & GAIA
Calling your tribe
Life Force Voice / Money Voice
Speaking with the Earth
Confident Body Language
Voice Magic with Gwendolen Chalice Priestess of Avalon
Sacral Chakra Goddess Voice: Womb Speaking with APHRODITE & OSTARA
Presence Voice
Emotional Connection Voice
Confident Body language
Voice Magic with Gwendolen
Solar Plexus Goddess Voice: Warrior Goddess Authority with SEKHMET & ATHENA
Expressing your personal power
Setting boundaries
The Sound of the Warrior Goddess Voice
Empowering your Breath
Heart Chakra Goddess Voice: Listening and Speaking with Love with Green TARA
Mother Voice
Soul Speaking and Singing
Heart Voice
Voice Magic with Gwendolen
Throat Chakra Goddess Voice: Sharing your Sacred Word with SARASWATI
Truth Speaking
The HEALING Word and Voice
Sacred Communication
Confident Body Language
Voice Magic with Gwendolen
3rd Eye Goddess Voice: Intuitive Vision and Message with ARIANRHOD
Intuitive Speaking
The New Oracle/SoulSeeing
Message Clarity
Confident Body Language
Voice Magic with Gwendolen
Crown Chakra Goddess Voice: How to Inspire with BRIGID
Inspirational and motivational speaking
Being a Light for the World
Confident Body Language
Voice Magic with Gwendolen
Stepping in to your TOWER OF LIGHT with SOPHIA
Circle Voice
Holding Space
Initiation and Wisdom
Unlocking your gifts