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A Unique Manifesting Toolkit for Women to Open to Leadership, Life and Love

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What do you want to Receive?


Are you a healer or coach who longs to share her services and receive recognition and recompense?

Do you need to receive greater confidence and clarity to communicate your unique message?

Do you need to let your guard down so you can receive incredible love?

Do you need to receive the right resources to achieve your dreams?

Are you weary of things not flowing?

Do you long for love, security, belonging, deep rest, well, home, energy, growth, time, money, confidence, or meaning?

Or perhaps more freedom, magic, clients, adventure, a life partner, the work you love...and EPIC self-expression?


I invite you to invest in

"the Art of Feminine Receiving".

As a woman who has spent 25 years on the international stage at the highest levels it would be my delight to show you a unique path to receive abundantly from your soul and the world and shine in a bigger way.

In The Art of Feminine Receiving you will learn a unique method to unlock the things you need for a fulfilling and powerful life.

This is the ancient and modern alchemical 'Receiving Toolkit' that allows you to receive the riches you are destined for.

What if you had the skills of RECEIVING the things that matter to YOU?


Deep, Intuitive, Women of Impact

This is a Receiving Toolkit you didn't think existed - one that you'd always dreamed of - one that is perfect for YOU.

  • Put the MacLaren engine on your business and your dreams.

  • Unmask with love the part of you that doesn't share with your partner what you really want, the part of you that doesn't show your parents what's going on when you go home for the holidays, the part of you who is scared to express who you really are in case someone thinks that what we have to say isn't nice, or turns down the dial on it so you stay in the shadows.

  • Transform the blocks to who you know you can become so you can blaze your shiny path forward.

  • Discover your receiving style so you could confidently receive the support to do the things you want to do that take you to your highest potential.

  • Learn to use feminine frequency magic tools that clear out your doubts when the pull back starts so you can keep moving forward into the space.

  • Stop putting up with anything less than your full potential.

  • Learn the skills to avoid manipulating manifesting with your human will so you can receive the things that your soul has destined for you.


Expand into your Potential

Welcome to 

The Art of Feminine Receiving

An Embodied, sound & voice expansion Toolkit to Align, Receive and resource Yourself

After centuries of suppression, the feminine has lost the belief that she is WORTHY TO RECEIVE.

But the feminine is DESIGNED TO RECEIVE.

Do you find there are still layers that block your receiving?

Are still bumping up against things like the struggle to charge for your services, time poverty, lack of support, burnout, over-giving, not being seen and heard, pushing, undercharging, message confusion, feeling alone or hiding your light.


Experience how the Throat Centre was used by Women to RECEIVE purposefully.

The Art of Feminine Receiving includes


If you want gentle flow and ease...

Love, abundance, prosperity, connections, resources and set your purpose in motion.

Merge your business outcomes, your purpose and your vision with an ability to confidently communicate your mission and message.

Raising your Feminine Frequency Prepares you to Receive.


a unique 

Energetic System

Did you know your VOICE is your most powerful Manifesting Tool?

Manifesting and Receiving are Complex.


Your mission - should you choose to accept it - is to engage in an exceptional toolkit that calls on ancient knowledge but puts it in the practical context of the modern woman who is yearning to self-actualise and unlock her potential as quickly as possible - in a way that feels SAFE....and elevates her feminine power.

Women create with their voice, body, intention,

frequency heart, and light.

All of it!

Creating with the voice is a forgotten essential piece in the manifesting journey.

The women leaders, priestesses and healers of the ancient world understood the inner forces in the voice that could master the elements and shapeshift matter.

Modern science is rediscovering these quantum laws.

Reclaim the creative feminine power in

your voice.

  • 8 Magical Tools that you can use anytime, anywhere

  • Easy to follow curriculum designed to get you RECEIVING purposefully in 8 weeks, complete with videos, audios, handouts, and more 

  • A new and unique feminine empowerment training 

  • Inspiring accountability exercises to practice what you're learning 

  • Continued access to the Feminine Receiving online course even beyond your 8-week training 

  • Life changing healings to clear  your throat centre

  • Downloadable, done-for-you, step-by-step exercises, handouts, checklists, visualisation scripts and more 

  • Bonus Recording with The Sensory Alchemist Tina Koch to find your Sacred Money Archetype 

  • Exercises to practice what you're learning 

  • Bonus ‘Yin/Yang Empowered Masculine and Feminine qualities’ handout

  • Bonus 50 top speaking ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’t’s checklist

  • Amazing support to help you breakthrough the inner barriers

  • Goddess Voice Academy® inspirational feminine wisdom of the voice


Throat Centre Manifesting


Ancient Secrets of the Voice

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Perhaps you've learned to open your Heart, your Mind, and Body to Receiving...but...

Receiving through the Voice with Sound, Vibration, and secret language is a long forgotten Feminine Master Key.

The throat centre is biologically programmed to purify everything that moves through it.

That's why lie detectors work so well.

 The throat centre favours manifesting things that are significant to your purpose.

Centuries of silence have left women's throat centres disempowered, disoriented, and de-activated

They are not manifesting their full potential.

There is a collective healing, education and re-activation needed.

Goddess Voice Academy® programs work towards this goal.

The Art of Feminine Receiving focuses on activating Abundance.

Learn this unique method to train your throat centre as a purposeful  and accurate receiving station, connected to your magnetic feminine nature, and finally receive clients, love, money, appreciation, kindness and support that unlock the life you are meant to live.



What Clients Say

"The level of support and personal attention is INCREDIBLE"!

"If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't be opening up this quickly."


"I can honestly say if it wasn't for this program I wouldn't be opening up this quickly. I am so grateful for this huge opportunity to expand into my expressive abilities.

You are a ray of light in the way you bring this program through. It's gentle, seductive, practical, magical, delicious, reflective and a journey into believing that we not only can, but will fly into our true potential." ~


Ruth Haynes - Alaska
Money Mentor and Wealth Creation Coach at Unconventional Wealth

"Everyday there are sales pinging in. My business is now in healthy surplus."


I am quite tearful and overwhelmed to see the money coming in from my own business that is in healthy surplus and so many income streams are now triggering each other. I now have a sales funnel!

With my new online program I'm teaching burlesque in the USA, Finland, Poland and Amsterdam!! This is huge for my profile.

People are now enrolling to learn burlesque classes online with me, people enrolling online are buying my book, or enrolling in my festival. People from the festival are enrolling in the Boost courses!

The Goddess Voice Academy training unblocked that final plug!

Everyday there are sales pinging in. I'm earning more than I did in my job. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Priscilla Silcock - Sapphira - Boost your Burlesque
World Burlesque Day


"My voice has been released to be visible and heard in the world, and it’s getting stronger by the day."


To the divine goddess that is Dominique Oyston for her fabulous course which she has lovingly crafted with passion and generosity of spirit.  Her knowledge is truly deep and I am continually being WOW’ed and confronted each and every week. My voice has been released to be visible and heard in the world, layer by layer, and it’s getting stronger by the day. I’m thrilled with the results.

I’m feeling a powerful energy rising up within me, propelling me forward, with a powerful voice to match it. 

A deep bow of gratitude to you Dominique for having the courage to heed the call to gather us for this vital work on the planet. 


Teresa Fino
Vibrational Medicine Intuitive

"I'm accessing a whole other level. "


This is the gateway to all the next things in relation to receiving and knowing how to ask for the things that I need. With what you shared, I'm experiencing all of my alignment coming back and remembering all the times my life has really really worked that I'd forgotten with life's issues. I'm re-calibrating my new frequency with such beautiful support. It's amazing. And all the women in the group are being encouraged to create our own fullness. It's so potent and inspiring and I want to thank you. I'm on a high, accessing a whole remembrance and reclaiming that.


Carlie Mills
Performer & Somatic Therapist

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how do I know this works?

For over 20 years I enjoyed an international operatic career that saw me traveling the world singing for top companies and VIP's. I learned to receive through frequency and incredible doors opened for me. 

But other doors didn't and I determined to find out why.

I followed my deep, unassailable inner longing to forge my own way as a healer and leader in the field of spiritual entrepreneurship, and gradually I understood how to take these tools I learned on stage and in my career to the other areas of my life.

The last mountain I climbed with this was to receive love...not to get it...because it was there...but to LET IT IN.

I created the Feminine Receiving Toolkit to empower myself - to heal, feel and finally know the deeper truth of who I was.

But then knew I had to share it as a system for others to transform their own lives too.

You know deep inside that you need to be YOU - and be magical and riveting as yourself rather than fitting in.

Your mythic life, your glory, and your unique success await you.

I invite you to join me on the adventure of transformation.


Rediscover Lost Wisdom

Be a truly a powerful creator

In ancient times the Voice of the Feminine was the most powerful in the land.

She was oracle, seer, guide, singer, healer, enchantress and priestess.

We are on the threshhold of the return of the lost voices of the divine feminine.

The Goddess Voice Academ® invites you to

train your receiving skills and up-level your skills in the new paradigm of feminine leadership.

Ancient and Cutting-edge Tools

If you are an awakening woman, in this training you can learn forgotten and re-emerging feminine tools and techniques of receiving and manifesting alongside your also-awakening sisters.


Make space for your potential to shine


Your growth into embodying your ability to receive takes place through time.

On this growth journey you must ground your light to hold the unique relationship to your light within your being.

The receiving keys in this training create a space for you to grow and heal blocks to having full access to the light of your own soul nature.

If you are creating a ‘soul’ based business and wish to speak with the authority of your soul, you are essentially making a sacred promise to fulfill more of your potential.


The Art of Feminine Receiving helps to increase the space in your body, mind, and life for the light of your soul to shine forth, and to connect to your greater potential to express your divinity.

You're guided to connect with the vibrational realms and frequencies as living forces with which you can co-create your life and embrace your destiny.



JOIn Us Today

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The Art of Feminine Receiving

$697 AUD


2021 gva logo burgandy.png

The Art of Feminine Receiving

5 x $147 AUD



The Receiving Journey




  • Throat Centre Receiving: The Method

  • Ancient Voice Wisdom Reborn

  • What is "Speaking your Truth"?

  • Purification and Power

  • The Unique Way Women Amplify Receiving with the Throat Centre

  • Understanding Inner Tuition

  • Purposeful Speech that Creates

  • Vibration and Alchemy 

  • Seeing Past, Present and Future

  • Voice Magic, Voice Manifesting



  • The 5 Lost Archetypes

  • Feminine Frequency in the Voice

  • Connecting to the Inner Landscape

  • The Pillars of Feminine Receiving

  • Yin and Yang

  • Revaluing the Feminine

  • What's in the Way? Unraveling the Stories that Hold us Back

  • Entering the Flow

  • The Feminine Feels

  • Inner Listening

  • Purification and Renewal in Receiving



  • Meet the Goddesses

  • Blessings from Source

  • Co-creating with Spirit

  • Free Will and Spirit

  • Soul Gifts & Spirit Mysteries 

  • The Bridge to Spirit

  • The difference between Intuition, Instinct and Guidance

  • The Soul Centre Receiving Method

  • The Goddess in your Voice

  • Coming home to Your True Sound

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  • From Self-love to Relationship Love

  • The Harmonies of Receiving​

  • The Uniqueness of the Heart Portal

  • Heart Speaking and the Magnetic Voice of the Heart

  • Loving your Voice

  • Using Feeling to Manifest

  • Boundaries and Self-acceptance

  • Being in Relationship with Everything

  • Calling in Great Love

  • The Fundamentals of Heart Health



  • Healing your Money Wounds 

  • Tuning in to your Path to Wealth 

  • Re-connecting your Gifts and Abilities

  • Harmonising Wounded Personas which Block Receiving

  • Money becomes Medicine

  • Breaking through the Inner Glass Ceiling

  • Your Voice, your Value

  • Women and Wealth

  • The Gentle Path

  • Meeting the 4 Universal Archetypes



  • Opening to the Earth

  • How Nature Manifests and Receives

  • Raising your Vibration

  • Receiving is Natural

  • Using Sound Healing to Set the Tone

  • The Paths from Energy into Action

  • Turning Up the Volume

  • Experiencing your own Magnetism

  • Awakening Energetic Presence

  • Expressing your Personality

  • Opening up Survival Abundance Pathways

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  • Power Words

  • More Voice magic

  • Financial Abundance and other Treasures

  • Becoming Time Rich

  • Harmonious Prosperity

  • Embrace and Love your Life

  • Inner Practice

  • Word Lists for Life

  • Word Lists for Business

  • Oscar Level Life Magic

  • Unfolding in Alignment



  • Making it Safe to Expand

  • Becoming the Magical Voice you are

  • Unmasking your Light

  • Vocal Authority and Confidence

  • Embodying the Power of the Voice

  • The Role of the Breath in Receiving

  • The Magical Nervous System Circuitry

  • The Divine Feminine Celebrity

  • Unapologetic Inspiration

  • The New Story of your Brilliance

  • Immerse yourself in a Weekly Circuitry Reset Activity and Healing

  • Connect to your Destiny

  • Making a Difference in the World

  • Receiving and Giving in Balance

  • Speaking from Inner Power

  • Sustainable Receiving

  • Feeling Safe in the New Self-Identity

  • Your Receiving Project

Quantum Healing
Receive Weekly Live Sound Healings
to Prepare for Change!

Join this high frequency sanctuary where divine feminine awakenings are a core part of your experience.

Dominique's long career as a professional opera singer with an internationally celebrated voice, brings power and magic to the art of sound healing that is unique in its luminosity.

Dominique's voice is a healing vibration that softly reaches into your soul, mind and body to nurture your transformation, accelerate your personal growth and set your intuitive abilities in motion.


Connected to spirit energies since she was a little girl writing songs for the flowers and elementals in her garden, Dominique now brings this gift out into the open to raise your vibration at the deepest levels..


"Dominique's voice is medicine for my soul" - Connie

"Your voice is like nectar from the Goddess" - Martha

"The toning and guided meditations make me feel super safe"- Tina

"I felt a gold light at my heart drawing up through my throat and turning into a rose at my mouth, like speaking flowers" Sarah

"I felt so resourced, with so much energy restored" Amy

Healing with the voice is a spiritual gateway to manifesting divine magic.

Receive sound healing AND...

Learn Easy Frequency Reset Mandalas you can use to Raise Your Vibration

Before the Goddess spoke, she sang.

This training offers a Series of Feminine Frequency Sound Mandalas you can use to heal your throat centre.

These mandalas are designed to clear your blocks to receiving.

You can rediscover your innate ability to chant and tone and sing or simply receive.

Every woman can use her voice this way. It is your birthright.


Sound Mandalas for Receiving

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This is for you if you wish to:

Deliver authority in your communication

Accelerate the emergence of your gifts and purpose

Access deeper levels of your intuition and healing ability

Understand how to raise your feminine frequency 

Speak your truth with ease and confidence

Understand the cycle of confidence

Ground your power in authentic nature

Unlock the strength of your voice

Heal, surrender and receive

Fall in love with your life


Your Purpose has a Frequency


Divine goddess, you are here to blossom into a beautiful purpose.

The throat centre is energetically prepared to open up EVERY resource you need to achieve that purpose!


Your voice can eradicate distraction, procrastination and self-sabotage.

It can open up your true path strongly and clearly and is a compass to blossom into your full potential, your truth and your light.

Your voice is the messenger and muscle of your soul.

Put your throat centre to work in the right way.

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I connect you to the soul signature wisdom encoded in your voice, your unique gifts for leadership, healing- your personal empowerment, creativity, and show you the steps to overcoming fear blocks, communication skills, embodying your essence and claiming your purpose.

From my experience as on international stages and intuitive power I offer breakthrough strategies that help you unlock your voice as a pathway for transformation, motivation, inspiration, success and earnings.

I'm a visionary, voice expert, ideas generator, and award winning performer.  I'm your Divine Celebrity Healing Voice coach who can show you how to go beyond the fear of judgement and I love helping you build the confidence and authenticity needed to empower your full potential or learn how to authentically serve and inspire from the stage.

I am a life-long student of yoga, dance, sound healing, mythic history, body-language, spiritual healing and Steiner teaching.  I was raised in the theatre and I am a mum to two boys.

      I am in service to the emergence of your divine voice.



RaisE Your Feminine Frequency


Activate your Inner Receiver

Activate your receiving from the Pillars of Feminine Frequency to embody a rich, abundance-based transformation that infiltrate your entire life.


Frequency 1: Receiving – What does the feminine receive? Everything. Her natural state is infinite abundance and creativity.

Frequency 2: Flow – All life is in motion - The movement of the feminine flows in cycles. When you attune to flow, you can move strategically with the changes your purpose calls you to experience and receive the right kind of support to change easily.

Frequency 3: Body and Embodiment– Your body is your magical space of adventure into the delights of  feminine sensing and sensuality - The body is the substance of feminine wisdom.

Frequency 4: Wisdom - The divine cosmic feminine principle that seeks to embody intelligence through experience.

Frequency 5: Creativity - Creativity is how we fulfil our dreams. The feminine principle of creativity is endless. When we enter the flow of birth, death and rebirth it is easy to grow into our full potential.

Frequency 6: Emotion and Feelings - Every emotion has a resonance. The feminine feels deeply and her emotions are a pathway to spiritual knowledge. There is no feminine without feeling. Emotional intelligence is an initiation into one of the greatest powers of feminine frequency.

Frequency 7: Intuition - Because she feels, she knows. Because she loves, she knows. Intuition was once held in such high esteem that intuitive women were the most powerful people in the land.

Frequency 8: Love - Sacred union, connection, harmonising, merging. Love lifts the feminine into divine ecstasy.

Frequency 9: Soul - The feminine soul seeks to embody the sacred. She stands at every threshold of soul initiation.

Frequency 10: Beauty –When you tune your vision to see beauty everywhere you find pleasure.  The natural magnetic forces of the feminine are set in motion to draw love, appreciation and reverence.

Frequency 11: Nature – Sing, speak and connect in nature and your life will be pure pleasure. You are nature.

Frequency 12: Voice - In ancient times the voice of the feminine was the most powerful in the land. She was oracle, seer, guide, singer, healer, enchantress and priestess.

Frequency 13: Being - Presence and healing awaken from the space of being rather than doing


Increasing your feminine frequency will heal you.


JOIn Us Today

2021 gva logo burgandy.png

The Art of Feminine Receiving

$697 AUD

2021 gva logo burgandy.png

The Art of Feminine Receiving

5 x $147 AUD


Live Calls

Goddess Energy Immersions

Sound Healings

Recreating your Story

Group Singing, Toning and Chanting sessions 

Voice Skills

Confidence and Visibility Training 
Goddess Guidance Meditations 



FB Lives

A Supportive FB Group for the Journey


Start Receiving now


8 Weeks

5th July (NEW MOON)


Thursdays 10 am AEST -  90 Minute Sound Healing Method, Mandalas & Q and A


Weekly Live Calls and Guided Implementation

Feminine Frequency Energy Immersions

Sound Healings

Voice Skills

Confidence and Visibility Training 
 Goddess Meditations 

Templates, PDF's, Checklists and Practice Videos


FB Lives to Clarify and Answer Questions

A Supportive FB Group for the Journey


 "What an amazing space of transformational power.

And it’s such a wonderful, fun, dynamic group that’s going places, both individually and collectively.

 It is so much more than I was expecting - and I get out of it so much more than I'd dared to hope.

Dominique integrates many fields of knowledge in this work. Her teaching gifts shine in her live calls, and in her kind, encouraging and helpful feedback on the videos we posted in the Facebook group. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to shine more brightly, Dominique.

I’m still very much a beginner, but already some things will never look (or sound) the same."

Alice Bulmer

Alice Bulmer Music


Marine L. Rot
BeMore Academy

"Everyone should know about this coaching (or should I say life saving?)  Women's voices have been suppressed for centuries and we still carry those massive traumas within us. This work is such a high priority for the evolution of the feminine awakening and conscious business.

I can honestly say that it has been THE best investment I've made in years. This is so much more than unlocking the voice.

I'm reclaiming who I am and what I do. I now have so much confidence in how I speak and it has made a HUGE difference in the way I work and present my services. And it's just the beginning."


Heidi Hosking

Awakened Parenting

"To the wisest voice Goddess herself, Dominique Oyston!

I am only just getting started in this training and already I am really just amazed at the wisdom and what I can learn from her (even when I had a gut feeling it would be good..!).

I've been learning and powering up my voice within my business with so much wisdom about the voice and femininity that is important for us all to know.

It's far more than just speaking, expressing or singing.

And not to mention the toning which has been so great to have a reason to use my voice and for good reason.


I highly recommend joining the Goddess Voice Academy!!!"